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Ég fíla skosku. Hárbeitt og fyndiđ.

Ég setti nýtt lag í tónspilarann hér á hćgri hönd sem heitir It´s my own cheating heart that makes me cry eftir Glasvegas.

Ţeir eru rammskoskir og ţađ er mjög gaman ađ lesa textann á međan mađur hlustar á lagiđ til ađ bera saman framburđinn. Sem er snilld. Viđ erum ađ tala um Híd (head) og allur pakkinn.

Auk ţess er ţetta eitt besta lag ársins 2008. Allavega topp 3.

Ekki missa af ţví.

Its my own cheating heart that makes me cry

Let the raining teardrops rain down on me tonight
i think making up, faking up stories is alright
tick tock stop the clock, fiction is my thing
my attitude is always i and me and mine

oh I’m so clever, I'm so clever, I'm so clever
until my paranoia kicks in then I’ll accuse her
of doing all the worst things i do best
its funny how me fucking her about
has got me in this fucking mess

liar liar liar liar pants on fire
lies alibis lies more alibis
from the truth, i admit I’m more than shy
ain’t it the times we are living in
everybody’s doing it so why cant I?

i tally up tonight’s strangers
and stragglers that I’ve kissed
training ground notches, perfectly executed notches
and near misses
its all about going out and getting pissed with eagle eyes
and sincerity bottom on my list
what’s the story morning glory?
i feel so low and worthless, yeah

so this is where the outcome unfurls and the truth is being told
a cloud has gathered over my head and now i know
infidelity and my good friend ecstasy doesn’t work, it makes you worse
I’m feeling so guilty about the things i said to my mum when i was ten year old
I’m feeling so guilty about any old shit
and how i think my missus is fucking every guy that she looks at
this is it, this is it, this is it, this it
the end was always coming and now its here

so this is the grand finale
the crescendo of demise
this is the happy ending
where the bad guy goes down and dies
this is the end
with me on my knees and wondering why?
cross my heart, hope to die
its my own cheating heart that makes me cry

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Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Sigursteinn Ingvar Rúnarsson
Sigursteinn Ingvar Rúnarsson
Fallegt hávaxiđ eintak af alter egó karlmans. Skrifar um ţađ sem honum dettur í hug og á ţađ til ađ ýkja ţađ upp úr öllu valdi til ađ gera ţađ sem áhugaverđast fyrir leikmanninn.





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