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Don´t anger it

Devi Ever, sú sem ég er að panta Silver Rose pedalin frá reitti Billy Corgan til reiði.

Fyrir þá sem ekki vita þá fékk Billy hana til að gera pedal fyrir sig. The Silver Rose. Allir glaðir. (ég á von á mínu eintaki í nóvember)

Þangað til að hún fór eitthvað að tjá sig heimskulega á spjallborði Smashing Pumpkins. Var eitthvað að setja út á að Billy og að hann væri ekki að gera góða hluti um þessar mundir og slíkt.

Mikil mistök.

Billy sá það.

Þetta er það sem hann sendi henni í kjölfarið á meili á Facebook:

This is what he just sent to me via facebook : you ugly piece of shit...if i ever run into you, anywhere, at anytime, for as long as i live, i will knock your fucking lights out. don't ever come near me, and if i hear even one more peep out of you in public about me, or the band, or the members of the band, i am gonna sue you for so much you'll never be able to afford so much as to even make a fucking guitar cable. i know plenty about copyright law, so before you run your trap anymore about what you think you know, or your delusional constructs of reality, know that to fight a lawsuit is at least a 30 to 40 thousand dollar endeavor. if you still got enough balls to go there, try me. nice to know you thought so little of me, and of us, but we're still willing to try to take advantage of a generous offer because you are a piece of shit and that is what fake pieces of shit do. at least i am real. unlike you, who is a sad creation. don't you say another word, or you'll be fighting something you can't afford and you'll lose everything. this will be the cost of you running your mouth on me ever again.

Svo svarði hún:

I wrote this in response to his message : You do realize your claims of me stealing a circuit is called Libel. I'd talk to your lawyers before sending any more threatening emails my way.

Also... you do realize you just threatened bodily harm if you ever saw me? You're not building much of a case for yourself legally, or in terms of publicity dude. Just drop it.

then he said :

[quote]you do what you have to do you pig. but i'm telling you, you think you know what you are doing here with me, but you don't. if you just want to go to war, keep running your mouth. i;d like to see you try to sue me for libel. you don't have two nickels to rub together.you are a fake, a phony, a liar, and now a proven idiot. what artist will ever work with a manufacturer who disses her clients out? you are so fucking stupid. and you didn't even have the courage to deal with it in private. you run to a greek chorus of idiots to ape you on. like i said, one more word out of you in public and i will be suing you for ten times more than you'll make in the next ten years. and don't think i am one to make hollow threats. i've been in many lawsuits through the years, and haven's lost one yet. enjoy your 15 seconds of negative attention. you fucked up, you know it, so eat shit, shut the fuck up and accept you've attacked someone who tried to HELP YOU. but addicts and self-destructive people like you who HATE THEMSELVES must turn their hate out. if this is what you have to do to not kill your unhappy self, well then i'd say it was a wise decision. beyond that, you are fucking lame, dumb, and so so ugly.

Vá, ertu að grínast!

Rólegur T-Pain. Rosalega bregst hann ílla við. Það er nú ekki falleg manneskja sem tjáir sig svona við einhvern. Sama hvað hin manneskjan hefur gert.

Devi Ever heimsk að dissa Smashing Pumpkins eftir að hafa gert pedal fyrir þá. Billy ennþá heimskari að láta þetta frá sér.

Þetta er orðin svo legendary pedall sem ég er að fara fá í hendurnar.


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Sigursteinn Ingvar Rúnarsson
Sigursteinn Ingvar Rúnarsson
Fallegt hávaxið eintak af alter egó karlmans. Skrifar um það sem honum dettur í hug og á það til að ýkja það upp úr öllu valdi til að gera það sem áhugaverðast fyrir leikmanninn.





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